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Lions Head Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada
Macarons from Colette

Macarons from Colette, Toronto

I knew of Colette Grand Cafe, but had never before step foot in the space. I do happen to work near the cafe though, so one day I found myself buying a cookie for a work blog post. Upon going into the cafe, I was immediately transported to Paris. The decor is absolutely stunning - done in perfect ...

My New Apartment Tour

My New Apartment Tour!

I'm back in a bachelor. When I moved out of my last bachelor apartment, I thought that was it for me living alone. But, I was wrong. Such is life though, and as hard as it is, I'm going to try and make the best of it. On the plus side, trying to make the best of it includes getting to decorate my new ...

Italian Pistachio Cookies

Amazing Italian Pistachio Cookies

Oh man, these took me back! Way back to my childhood when we would visit relatives and there would always be a plate of Italian cookies out to eat. You may not know, given my pale complexion and blue eyes, but I'm actually half Italian. Hence, we visited a lot of Italian relatives that had said cookies. ...

Easy Pom-Pom Pillow DIY Project

I used to be obsessed with matching when I was younger. When I first decorated my room after we renovated our house, I was obsessed with having everything match. I had a desk for the first time, so I needed all my office supplies to match. I had the Dokument collection from IKEA, and since I was ...

Roasted Garlic Parmesan Rolls

I've always been a lover of garlic. I feel like I tried to suppress that love as a teenager because of bad breath. But let's be honest, garlic makes everything better, and a roasted version is one of the best ways to enjoy it. I don't remember this, but I'm told that when I was a kid, I used to take raw ...

Striped Sundress DIY

Off-the-Shoulder Striped Sundress DIY!

I know summer is almost over, hence you probably think you won't have much use for a gorgeous striped sundress. BUT, hear me out! First of all, the warmest day of the year last year was actually September 7th (a.k.a my birthday), so you've still got a good few weeks of hot weather to wear this ...

Just Peachy Peach Pie (With Ontario Peaches!)

I've been dying to post this peach pie recipe for over a year. Now, it's finally August, a.k.a peach season, and I can share this recipe knowing there are ripe, juicy, luscious peaches available! You can find Ontario peaches pretty much anywhere this time of year. It's prime peach season, so you're ...