
Angean - A Lifestyle Blog by Tess Ciarloni

This is Angean, a lifestyle blog founded in Toronto, Ontario that focuses on design, D.I.Y’s, food & the photography that captures it all. Angean is an amalgamation of my two grandmothers names, and the content reflects what I have learned from them, and consequently made me into who I am today.

As a both a design and culinary student, I have been able to merge both of those loves, and share the results here on the blog. I love to use my eye for design when decorating a cake or use my love of food when painting a watercolour of a dessert.

As for the DIY’s, that’s basically my life philosophy. I try to do whatever I can for myself, and try to use my DIY skills when it comes to sewing, crafting, cleaning and designing.

I am also the sole photographer behind nearly all of the photos on my blog. Occasionally a family member will take a photo, or I’ll ask someone to take one, but for the most part all of the styling, shooting and editing is my doing.

Starting this blog was an idea that started long ago, but I couldn’t be happier that it has finally come to fruition. I look forward to seeing it grow and change, and hopefully to both grow and influence my readers!

I always welcome feedback, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what you love and hate, or what you’d like to see more of!

xo, tess.

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